June 2nd, 2007
My Auntie,Uncle and their family( my mum's side) from Bentong usually goes up to Genting Highlands one to two times in a month. Every year, during Chinese New Year, the whole family, and actually, every family except my family from my mum's side will go up there during that festive season. They love gambling and my auntie and uncle always wins a small amount of money whenever they go up there. And they say if you wanna win big money and have 'fatt choi' always beside you, wear a RED UNDERWEAR!! and wear a gold or bright yellow underwear, then you will be very 'wong'( in chinese, gold or yellow, means something like great and prosperous and of course wealth and good luck too^^).
So, i'm pretty sure they will be wearing either these two colours or maybe both whenever they gamble or see Uncle Lim?? I wonder if God wears an underwear? What colour would it be?
When they've spent the whole day there gambling and children playing at the outdoor theme park, they somehow know what is the meaning of the word 'tired' or rather they know what it feels like to be tired. I am not being sarcastic here but whenever they are up there, they will gamble from sunrise till sunset. Not knowing what does it feels like to be tired and hungry.
So, they travelled back down to Pj, and of course they will somehow appear at my doorstep. Yes, they did. @ 1130pm, supper.
So, my family and i changed from our pyjamas to something more appropriate. I'm the driver of course.
They said they wanted to eat steamboat. My place is famous for steamboats. My family and i feared that there will be no place for us to have supper when it is going to be 12am soon. Other than mamak, i really don't know where to bring them. So, we tried our luck... And yes!! We found one steamboat restaurant still doing business. No, i did not wear any red or gold-ish panties. Laugh!!
Including my family, their family and friends and also not forgetting my other auntie who is having fever but still wanna go up there, there are 11 of us. So, my brother went inside the restaurant and asked the waiters to get us a table for 11.
I don't know why they suddenly changed their mind and walk out of the steamboat restaurant to another steamboat restaurant down the road which is also still doing business. I'm likE WHY?? They already set up the table for us. My brother ended up saying sorry. The humiliation is unbearable~~
They didn't want steamboat already. They ordered chinese friend noodles instead. My family and i said to them many million times that we are no eating and yet, they ordered 5 BIG plates of noodles. wHEN they actually heard us, they were like,
"why never say earlier?"
"Now, who is going to finish it?"
"We (them) can't finish it, so MUCH!!"
Ironic isn't it that they kept saying they can't finish all of it while they were eating and in 5 minutes, all 5 plates are empty???
My other auntie said that they didnt have their lunch because they keep gambling and playing the whole day. Why am i not surprised??
Let's talk about this other auntie..
While we were waiting for our noodles to come, she took out a PORK CHOP from the inside of her handbag. The pork chop is wrapped in a tissue and it is inside a plastic bag. She took it out and asked me to eat it. I didn't want to but since she kept pleading, i took the challenge.
Comment : It looks like a rock, it is as hard as a rock and yes, it taste like a rock. Okay, i don't know how does a rock taste like, but i know now....
This auntie of mine also just came back from Vietnam recently. She told us one very interesting thing.
In Vietnam, toilet...TOILET in their language is "LEI DIU".....
it is actually a really bad word in chinese. However in Vietnam, it appears that it refers to the loo. the toilet.
Malaysians, of course don't feel comfortable saying that. but, the tour guide said that you have to shout it out loud because most Malaysians mumbled the word instead of saying it loudly.. LOL..
I have no guilt saying LEI DIU from now on...LOL!!!

" May I know where is the LEI DIU??"
-supper is fun-
LEI DIU !!!!!
*flashes my puppy eyes*
ahahaha... LEI DIU not here... ahaha...
go straight, turn left and u will find lei diu...
Lei diu.sounds so wrong,like some cantonese foul language.hahaha
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