Assignments oh Assignments...
This semester's assignments are filled with stress, worries, shocked, fun, excitement, panic, insults and a lot of patience and tolerance. I will update you guys about my very last two assignments for my whole 2 years and 4 months diploma course.
First subject : Introduction to Business
Due date: 20th June 2007
Assignment given : 23rd May 2007
Really sit down and start : 17th June 2007 ( sweat...?)
Leader: Kimberly Lee (ME???) anyway, i just found out that i'm a leader on the 14th June 2007
So, the assignment on this subject is about doing a research on a company. Their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and also their marketing environment such as socially, legally and etc.
When i found out that i'm the leader of the group, i started to panic. It's already the 14th, 6 more days to go and we do not even have a company in mind. Die!! The most important of all, we have to interview a manager from that company as well. I can't be doing my dad's company again due to some circumstances. So, i finally asked for a group meeting, decide on a company and delegate the tasks.
Being a group leader supposedly should be easy. Just let the others do the job. All i need to do is to make sure everyone knows what to do and compile them into an assignment. That was what i thought it would be.
My nightmare has just started...
You see, my groupmates are mostly from thee mainland China. Other local groupmates are Chinese literate. They are all very cooperative, no doubt about that. However, there are a lot of editings to do. A LOT!! I'm not discriminating, it's just that correcting grammar, vocabulary shouldn't be in my job description. We are college students already. English should be one of our strong language. I some how felt like i'm correcting some primary school kids english. At least they tried, though. These girls from China, i give them credits for that.
I did not sleep well for the last few nights. Editing, researching, typing, compiling and many more tasks. I've learnt to multi-task.
On the 19th, that night, my flame was ferocious.I was so pissed off!!
I know that every group member did one part of the assignment. A few of them did two parts. I did 4 parts and this exclude editing everyone's parts and compiling the whole assignment. I'm not pissed off because of this.
Let me explain.
A few of them knew that i was doing almost everything. So, they were kind enough to volunteer to do the easiest task ever. I will not state what task was it. If you are curious, you can always ask me, but not here.
So, on the 19th, that wonderful night, i've received the documents they voluntereed to do. I opened the file and... My anger went to the top of my head!! If you were beside me, you can see the stim above my head. My eyes blazing with orange fire!! You can hear me curse like i never before!!
It's like 3am, i'm dead sleepy and they can send me 'their tasks'. I was thankful that they voluntereed to do that easy task, i didn't expect that they gave me that kind of shit at 3am in the morning.
Because of the shit they gave me, I have to sleep at 5am in the morning to re-do everything. That's not the end yet... My colour printer choose to DIE at this crucial time!! More cursing!!!
And guess what? on the next day i have 8am class.
Yes, you're right. I can't bring myself to wake up that very morning and yes, STILL CURSING ALL THE WAY even in my dreams.
The next day afternoon, i went to this printing shop to print my colour pages like the coverpage, KDU's logo, appendices etc. I went in and saw lots of printer, many kinds of printer, different sizes of papers. I guess those are for engineers. So, i was waiting for the lady/owner to entertain me. Her maid/worker went into her room and asked her to come out.
Went she came out, I FAINTED!!!
Okay, joking.. LOL...
I was SHOCKED to see her with MUD MASK all over her face and it's dark brown in colour. LOL LOL... she made me laugh my heart out!!
And my, the printing costs me RM18 for 10 COLOURED pages. It's expensive to me-lar..
Went to college after that. All my group members waited eagerly for me. nO.. The Assignment actually. I showed them. Well, i have no comments overall. I just hope that all my effort in this, we would get satisfactory results-lar..
So, below is the cover page of the Introduction to Business Assignment:

Second subject : Services Marketing
Due date: 22nd June 2007
Assignment given : 25th May 2007
Really sit down and start : 20th June 2007 ( sigh...2 days before)
Leader: Larry (phew.. i can depend on him)
Due date: 22nd June 2007
Assignment given : 25th May 2007
Really sit down and start : 20th June 2007 ( sigh...2 days before)
Leader: Larry (phew.. i can depend on him)
Phew again!!! At least i'm not the leader in this assignment. I can depend on Larry because he always put his 110% in this assignment. He wants to do well and we all know that.
Question: Create a new services marketing concept.
This means we have to set up a services marketing company that does not exist in this world yet...
Our concept, i admit, is really really unique. Mr. Brian was really impressed. ^^ The idea pops out when Larry and I was discussing among ourselves and we were laughing among ourselves on some silly imagination we had..then.. suddenly..POp!!
Our new concept company:
-AirCa$ino. Inc-
Travelling has never been this exciting!!
In this assignment, there are nothing much i have to do other than my part. I did an extra part which is not really required for this assignment but can gain extra marks i think.. I'm proud that Larry didn't put my extra part aside. Other than that, i helped him with the cover page and executive summary too. Also, i helped in burning it into a cd form.
I don't have to burn a lot of midnight oil this time. I don't have to worry about everyone's part too. This is because my groupmates are all my close friends in college and our standards does not varies that much. Not much of editing too. Everyone did beyond their own expectation also.
Below is the coverpage for Services Marketing Assignment:
For our presentation, we are required to do a sketch on our new services.
Mr Brian's comment : I'm really impressed!! I can see that you guys put effort in it!!

- Teddy : Security
- Larry : Rich Customer
- Chee Menn : Datuk
- Kimberly : Datin
- Zombie : Steward/Bar-tender
- Hang Tow : Steward/Dealer
- Gun
- Bluetooth device
- Detector
- Cards
- Chips
- Chivaz : Malibu
- Wine glasses
- Cocktail mixer
- Golf stick
Hang Tow and I (tht golf stick is also part of our props)
Playing with our props

Great group members
Mr. Brian: There is teamwork. Good Job!!
Hope you guys enjoyed reading...
with love,
YEAH,here i am to post a comment for u kim!happy?keke..yeah,u're such a good poser!hahaha.and larry,he looks good with the sunglass on,cus can't see his eyes!hahaha.
p/s*Larry*hope u will not c this comment!
GAHH.I think KDU bla bla bla.HAHAHA.Ure lecturer,Mr brian gave the some comment to Jer for his presentation.BLAH kdu *thumbs up*
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