7th June 2007
@ Ruums, Kuala Lumpur
Amanda has four free tickets to go watch "So You Think You Can Dance" LIVE SHOW @ Ruums, KL.
Thanks to Amanda a lot for this experience!!
I can't describe to you how excited i was although i've never watched even one episode. So, i wouldn't know who to support and all. But, I DON'T CARE!!!! Free tickets don't fall from the sky or grow on trees. And, and, and..... it's @ RUUMS... on a Thursday night * ladies night* ehehehe~~
We were actually late due to rain and traffic jam, so Bee, my petbro drove so darn fast. According to the rules and all, the doors will be closed at 8.00pm sharp. I reached Selayang at 8pm, so imagine a Proton Putra 1.8cc speeding in the middle of KL..WOW!! sO MANY Cars and drizzling some more. Amanda showed us a short cut. That route are filled with many many holes, humps/bumps and sand and all. So, i am telling myself to go service my car as soon as possible although the servicing is not due yet.
We reached there in half an hour or so. We thought we need to plead and cry some crocodile tears but to our surprise, we were allowed to enter!! It must be because of our innocent look because the people there don't really check our tickets and they don't even know who is Amanda's friend or her mother's friend's daughter or her friend's mother's daughter..err.. that means her friend right? Err, anything -lar...
So, we've finally reached!! From left : ME, Bee, Anne and Amanda
My petbro and I
tHx to him or else none of us can get to Ruums!!
a Few pics of the contestants...

Hip Hop Rocks!!
The Top 8 COntestants that rockz the house!!
*look at that Barney*
We shouted Brancy!! We shouted Nikki!! We shouted Becky!!
We hated the crewman who was sitting in front of his camera which is perfectly blocking our view!!
We love Hip Hop, breakdance. We hate Malay Dance!!
We Loved our food, we hated our cocktails!!

French Fries with Cheese.. Not bad~

Cocktails that sux : Pina Colada & Wallbanger
Cocktails that is okay : Sex on the beach and bla bla bla..orange
(mine sux till the max, tasted like vomit, even my vomit taste much better)
I love Laundry bAR's cocktails from now on...
starring : Anne, Amanda & Kimmy
not siao enough
did i just made this pic a 'picture perfect'?
i think so...
I swear we were not drunk when the picture was taken!!!
Bee: I can't act 'siao' but i can act CUTE...
This is it...
Somehow, I have to agree that he is kinda cute...
but, if i have to look longer, i'm afraid i'm gonna puke..
LOL... i'm so hoping that he is not reading this though..
$$ does make a girl grin.. like that girl who is holding a RM100 note.

The thing ended at 11pm with Becky and a Malay guy voted outta the show.
Although we didn't got the camera man to 'video' us or get on the stage just to have ourselves on tv, we did get a lot of attention from the people there. Ehem... no no, i know we are pretty and handsome enough but it's not that.
Out of the blue, when we were deciding whether to stay in there a while or go home, a figure caught our attention. It was so sudden, we were caught off-guard. We screamed our lungs out!! Except for Bee, of course. He was blur~~ Everyone that has eyes and not blind and also not deaf looked at us.
Turns out that he is a friend of Anne and Amanda.
He persuaded us to stay there. He has a good point though. It's Ladies Night!! He got five girls including us to register ourselves and get stamped 'chops' on our arms. We got ourselves and a lot of other unknown guys a bottle of whiski. Yay!!
We danced for a while. Man, it was fun. Sorry, no pics on that.
I was high. I didn't really wanna leave. All of us shake and shake our body. We were kinda high. Haha.. You can't imagine us shouting outside Ruums, being so sweaty and hot. Being deaf for some time because of the loud music. Talked nonsense in the car. Took
the wrong route home!!
Friend : Stay till 4am...
Us : No, we can't. (We have a life).
- Clubbing is addictive but it's not everything -
Wah. Fun night ar. If only i have the chance to be there. So jealous. Hmph. Haha. Yeah. Si Lebah always look CUTE like that.
hahah we DO HEV A LIFE. but we can go NEX TIME..wich GOD knows when.
omg,i didnt noe bee's nickname was si lebah!HEHE.thx Sp@dE_FiQ! u should see him act cute for once and u will puke the rest of ur days,HAHAHAA~
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