- Angela Ng (Queen of the tribe)
- Kimberly Lee (UpComing Queen of the tribe)
- Sumitha (Assistant 1)
- Lee San (Assistant 2)
- Wai kit (BF to Assistant 2)
- Alvin (Jeneral/part-time daddy & ah gong)
- Tony ( Newly recruited member)
So, WE met up @ One Utama. I found out that Alvin and Tony are going to the US soon too. They refused to tell me which state they are going to so i assumed that they are going to the "Bla Bla Black Sheep State". I have this thing for bla bla black sheep, i don't know why. However, Alvin said that it is Bla bLA Green Sheep. ?? Eventually i found out that they are going to Iowa. Since they need to buy luggages and winter clothes, we went into a few of that kind of shop. We end up playing in there, snapping pictures and being a SAKAI as we always do.
This is the first time Tony join us. He looks like JJ (taiwanese singer, i think, an artist that's for sure) and his girlfriend, Cheryl is one of the most beautiful girl in KDU like Tara (those from KDU, you should know). So, he is a potential SAKAI. When he walks, he walk 'the senget' way. He will go right and left. Never a straight line where most normal people do. Laugh!! So, i imitated him the whole time.And it's really fun!!
Okay, I realized that i have super powers. I think i'm one of the character in Heroes. Really!! My super powers?
My super powers are the ones that doesn't bring good to people.
Well, read on.
There was this incident where we were about to take the escalator. I was walking behind, so, some of us are already on the escalator. Before i step onto the escalator, i said "What the Hell". And then, it happened...
The escalator stopped right before i step on it.
Everyone that i don't know was stunned. They looked at me. They were blur.Then they start climbing up the escalator.
The SAKAI(s) and me laughed non stop. We laughed till our stomach got so painful. I even sat on the escalator, laughing!!
I love mirrors too. There is this mirror so conveniently placed at the side of a stall while we were walking. I noticed, then i shouted STOP!! I gave the reason that why not we stop and think about where we wanna sit down, have a drink before the movie starts but i was looking at the mirror instead, playing with my hair. And, bear in mind, this is not the first time. Everyone just love laughing at me. Am i a clown?
We watched Wild Hogs and laughed our ass out!!
After that, i met up with my church friends, introducing them to the SAKAI(s). Then, we proceed to a chinese restaurant Exquire Kitchen. Let's not talk about the food. We took so long to order and i wonder why. So, during dinner, Angela asked a cow riddle.
Angela: What comes out from a pampered cow?
Me: Roti Bakar Telur Cheese!!
Everyone: WHAT?!!!
Me: Shampoo!!
Everyone: huh?
Me: okay okay... Milk?
Angela: Close...
Me: Cheese...
Angela: Close..
Sumitha: It is in the middle of Milk and Cheese...
Me: Cheesedale!!
Everyone: Kim!!!!!
Me: MilkCheese? CheeseMilk? CowMilk? CheeseCow?
Angela: you think you are googling ah? Give up?
After a few decades....
Everyone: Give up!!
Angela: the answer is "Spoilt Milk"!!
Logic though... Cheese comes from spoilt milk!! why didnt i think of that?? how stupid!!
Friday, 25th May 2007
yUmcha @ murni ss2
Sakai(s) which attended:
- Angela Ng (Queen of the tribe)
- Kimberly Lee (upcoming queen)
- Sumitha (Assistant 1)
- Alvin (Jeneral)
- Meng Kheng (Driver *he said it himself*)
So, we were waiting for Driver Tan Meng Kheng to come fetch us and then, suddenly, he called and say that he reached already. We were like looking right and left. " Err, Meng Kheng, we can't see you"
to our surprise!! "Im in murni already!!
"What?!"..."Okay, we are going to roll there.. you wait for us ah"
"oops.. sorry, my memory problem, I'm coming.. I'm coming"
Phew.. luckily he didnt sit at murni already..
So, while we waited, Alvin is really really weird. He shouted suddenly. I nearly died of heart attack!! And then he started to move flexibly and move his hands and nearly hit me. Weird~~ Even Sumitha said handphone camera as WEBCAM which is in her pocket to take pictures later. We were all like, silent for a while, digesting what she said and all of us said "WEBCAM?!"
While we were at Murni's...
Meng Kheng told us about his internship. He is working for Low Ngai Yuen. He said at his workplace he saw Marion COunter, Sarah Tan and others. He totally love Marion COunter till he said "Ma ma Mia". He even remember her car plate number. LOL..
We were chatting a lot.
I ordered Garlic Cheese Naan. It was superb because i have not eat that for ages. However, one thing is missing. Condensed milk! Okay, yes, we asked Meng kHENg about the Cow riddle again.
We ordered for the 'SUSU' for so many million times and when it finally came, man, the size of the SUSU is like the size of the plastic thing u use to fill ketchup in it. Like in McDonalds and KFC. So, imagine all of us sharing that one pathetic SUSU.~~
As i was saying earlier that i have super powers. Another incident happened. I was saying something which i forgotten now, right after i said it, the lights went off!! See?? I told you i have super powers!! wahahaha....
We had another guest while having yumcha.
A kitten. The kitten was with us the whole time. It is so cute and when it comes under our chair, we will take turns screaming our lungs out!!
Paying the bill in murni is like an adventure. You have to go through the shouting stage: "Boss, Boss Kira!!"
then, the catching his attention stage by standing up and jumping and also shouting for him to come.
the embarassment stage is where u don't get his attention but the whole mamak's customers laughing at you.
I embarassed myself big time!!
I shouted for him to come so that i can pay the bloody bill. He was just right in front of me. I shouted, jumped. He ignored me. I said out loud, loud enough for the few tables around me to here. I said " why is it so difficult to pay the bill here? Why not we just GO?"
aND he appeared right beside me...
Everyone laughed out loud!!!! Literally!!
-Sakai is a noun. Sakau is a verb-
1 comment:
PART 1 -- da history --
omg...shy case ler~~~
u noe ler, i memang blurrrr....
4give me ya....*paiseh*
PART 2 -- da sakais --
damn farnnyyyyyyy ler wateva that happened dat particular day...
sakai memang sakai...
sakai kuasa 2...
boleh pengsan ler~~~
*unforgettable moments*
PART 3 -- murni section --
u ppl banyak jahat ler...
dah ler i anti-cats...
summore dis alvin so damn jahat...
almost bengang d...
thk God i didn't scream n turn da whole table upside down...
*banyak drama ler*
>>> sakaizZz all da way <<<
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