We played some icebreakers where Yours Sincerely, Me, Me and Me is also part of the Icebreaker Committee:

- The number game: if the number is 7, anything gotta do with the no. 7, the person has to stand up. Imagine when the number turns 70-ish
- 007 Bang! game: point to one person and say 0, the next person point to the other person and also say 0, the other next person point to another person and say 7, then the person who was being pointed have to say Bang!, the person being Banged!(LOL) has to keep quiet while the two person next to him has to say AHH!!
- The Tie Tom & Jerry game: One Tie Tom has to chase Tie Jerry. Tie Jerry is required to tie two knots and Tie Tom has to tie only one knot. The person with 2 ties around him lose!! Boohoo!
After that, MAKAN time....
Let the pictures do the talking, yea :)the red carpet
kimmy with Lee San promoting the cupcakes done by Izwan
too bad we didnt take a pic of the cupcakes.
Every cupcake has an alphabet on them and it all spells out to "Pn. Nura, thank you for everything. From your OMD students class Sem 2 Jul 07"
something like that...
tell you a secret..sshh... as you guys scroll down, you would realize that Lee San (right) is always with food. Observe!!

remember what i've said about Lee San with food?
and again...

and again.. look closely, she's holding a meatball
and again.. no, it's not the same meatball she's holding
Lee San, promoter of the cupcake, sardine roll and never-ending MeatBalls!!
From left: Jo Sher, Michal, kimmy, Suyi, Lee San and Wei Nin
Nicholas and kimmy
signing off with an invitation for breakfast @ klang -> Bak Kut Teh
*can you see a rocket?* kimmy loves flying rocket.. sorry nicholas, i don't only fly aeroplane. Laugh out Real LOud.
end sem,hectic sem, killer sem, i hate sem, like NOW...
-time flies like nobody's business-
hey s.j.simon, haha.. you must have found out that i love chocolates A LOT!!!!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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