Lee sAN and I
Another farewell to Angela Ng sakai queen
yes, i know, i know.. i've said it a lot of times that this will be the last time i'll be seeing Angela again this year, but looks like God wants us to meet for another last time before she fly back to the states :P
the sakai-s
the sakai-s with the simpsons
Take 2

Another farewell to Angela Ng sakai queen
yes, i know, i know.. i've said it a lot of times that this will be the last time i'll be seeing Angela again this year, but looks like God wants us to meet for another last time before she fly back to the states :P

So, here i go again....
Angela, so long, farewell... have a safe trip back to the states, have fun, study smart and I will miss you terribly here. sob... sob...
haha, you really look like you're enjoying the waffles,lol.
miss U, kim!
stay sakai alwiz!
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