Our church guys have also uploaded some videos in Youtube.com. You can type 'lamfootseng' / 'joshuachay' / 'darkcurse' / 'anniehoe' in the search box and there will be many videos mostly on our church guys.
prakash hosting
Here's where My Little Heart Speaks. My Broken Lies. My Untouchable Memories. My Thoughts. My Imperfect Self. My Flaws Revealed.
prakash hosting
mY first workshop for this unit / subject is to build the last phase of a ROLLER COASTER with one uphill using only 10 SHEETS OF PAPERS. We can use any coin to represent our 'car' and the coin must not shoot out or bang any stopper or barriers. The coin must stop at the end of the track. Our tools are only a long ruler and glue.
Note: they didn't specify what kind of paper or what sizes of papers we must use so i brought all types of papers including cardboards to college the next day. everyone looked at me as i walked towards the classroom. why? because you don't always find college students bringing manila cardboards to a COLLEGE.. kindergarten, meh?
my handbag, pencil case, water bottle, camera pouch and all types of papers. wHat a meSS!!
From left: Rebecca, Jeff and I caught in action^^the so called 'engineers :P
our so called 'up-hill'.. physics applied..
the middle section of our roller coaster model
the last track where the coin / car have to stop
our lecturer, Ms. Nura was so amazed that our coin / car managed to stop in the middle of the last track without shooting out. clap!! clap!!
and.... TA DAA!!!!!
simple yet efficient^^ wei, our coin / car stopped right in the midle of our last track, okay...
other groups came and test out our model using different coins such as 50 cents, 20 cents and 10 cents, Ms. Nura even said "Be my guest".. I'm so proud *blush*
PICCIES of a few other groups modeltheir model are huge they have a stopper at the end
they finished theirs in the fastest time.
the most beautiful and planned model.. serious.. they even did their own research, wei...
2nd workshop
firstly, we have to divide ourselves into 2 groups and challenge each other.
The name of my group is Fruit Punch. The name of the other group is Fast Forward. hehe, all starts with the letter F.. ^V^
Each group have to come out with three challenges. Therefore the six challenges are:
Exchange handphone with the other group and type the title of our textbook with the exact big letters and small letters as fast as possible. Fruit Punch : 2 ( Lee san again)
Insert all five fingers till your knuckles into your mouth. Fast Forward : 1 ( girls with small hands)
Pour a cup of water to the other cup in a 'teh tarik' style. it's not easy Fast Forward : 2
Sign your signature in a mirror image using both Right and Left hands. Fruit Punch : 3 ( cheers to khadijah, she's from Maldives)
A tie. Thus, we have arm wrestling between the girls and Fast Forward girls are STRONG!!
After that, we have a role play and....
this is my script :
my script. my background, the company's profile and my resume
My name is Joel D' Ambrosini. I'm 32 years old and I'm about to get married soon. LOL...
So the script is about a few people was being hired into a multinational company called Software R Us and we have many questions about our benefits working in the company. All the questions are directed to the CEO and a lot of other managers. My my .. it was so so funny and fun!!
-workshops are fun, so unlike other tutorials-
The Dance...
Almost perfect with less than 5 practices...
Can you spot me?? i'm in red top and white slacks
hehe.. I can't believe that I actually went up there and dance...
zmay, me and manda
the best picture we all agreed on. The colour and the post and smiles are all perfect!!
the girls dancing (From left:Nicole, joce, deborah, Me, lydia and rachel)
this was a last minute post
Melissa and I
Me, Jasmine and Sarah
Prakash and Lam look so cute!! Peace^^
Lam, David and Timothy being cool!!
Bobby, Timothy and Hong Liang acting on stage for glo
Marcus, BLURRY jonathan and Me acting
Kok Leong acting as granpa scolding lil' girl(me) crying
My bro and I in red!!
Lam and I with Tim and Melissa stealing the attention
- i went home with a smile on my face -
aww... how sweet....
I'll tag only one person since everyone i know have done this already. I'll tag Terrence since he don't have anything to blog about, i think. ahahah..
- dinosaurs wears pink bra -
Credits to Prakash for reminding me that I'm special by snapping this picture and dedicated this entry just for me...
p/s: I thank God everyday for a friend like you...
Just by hearing them laugh, joke around and monkey around makes me cherish and love them even more.
Whenever i need a friend to give me "Everything is going to be fine HUG" they are always there.
I feel so blessed to have them. Each and every single one of them.
Being strong inside doesn't mean that some of you can assume that I'm feelingless. I'm still very fragile.. vulnerable. I'm trying my best to stay as strong as possible. I still allow myself to cry once in a while.
I've boxed everything up. Every single memory.
You know, sometimes it is even harder to love than to hate. Hating can be tiring. Why punish yourself by being so angry at someone who might not even remember that he had hurt you once? But, loving can be as tiring as that. I don't even know what i'm saying... Maybe what i'm trying to say is pouring LOVE to someone who doesn't deserve your LOVE is much more tiring than anything else. It is so ironic to be in dreamland or fairytale land today and back to the reality world tomorrow. And as cliche as it sounds, they say time does heal but we just do not know when. Stop saying things like if you want to heal, just heal... it is not that easy.
Looking at the time displayed on my handphone screen. It says it's time to get up, you pig!!
Well, it has stopped raining.. finally.. the same with my heart's cry/ cry of my heart.. it has stopped. Everytime it rains, it just remind me of my hurts and scars.