- Lee San ( the host)
- Tan Shi Han (the big reaction girl)
- Ivan (the not 70kg but 80 kg guy)
- Iginn ( the genie in the bottle, lol)
- Sito Wai Ling (iginn's gf)
- Wai Kit (host's bf)
- Terrence (lover of the self -made aluminium wok)
and of course,
8. Me, Kimberly.. the VIP sakai:p
Here, it is the menu..:
- Marshmallows with chocolate dippings
- bacons
- pork chop
- ham
- sweet potatoes
- baby potatoes
- oysters
- french toast bread with herbs (like italiannies)
- mutton
- nuggets
- sausages
- prawns
- pari fish
- clam
- chicken wings
realized anything missing?
We were wishing for ice water or ice-cream all the way.. Haha..
The BBQ was a great fun. A gathering of a few fun people, competing with each other on our funny sarcasm can really tickle our funny bones!! We grilled almost everything. Experimented on our own made recipes. Made a lot of noise. Setting aluminium foils on flames.
We ended the night with singing a birthday song for the three birthday girls. Wai Ling's birthday is on the 21st July, Lee San's on the 3rd August, Shi Han's on the 6th August. This BBQ is to have a farewell for Shi Han also. She is leaving for Singapore.
I said my goodbyes to everyone. Somehow, all my 2years memories just kept flashing back. They are my true friends. Had lots of memories through our whole diploma course.
I really had fun last nite...thx a lot for coming ya!!!my memories of the past 2 yrs 4 mths will be kept in my mind + I wont forget bout u guys...no wry!! hehehe :P as I c my favorite cartoon character, it always remind me of u...wakakakaka...jz kd..dun angry...anyway, do let me do smth...which is laugh out loud...'hahahahahaha....' this is lee san's character - always smile + laugh in front of ppl...thx u again for giving me all these sweet n unforgetable memories...!!!
omg... lee san.. tht is so sweet... i cherished u a lot too.. thx for being with me for these 2years and 4 months.. u tot me to be strong and not to cry easily.. u stood by me when the boys bullied me.. u are a big sister to me!! thx for everything, girl!! sorry if i've offended u for the past years... keep in touch yea..
love love...
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