TAGGED... by Santa Maria
Got tagged by krystal, i think... Laugh!! Well, i'll just do it before i forget.
First and foremost, I don't know why it's called MEME.... Why krys?? Why??
Instruction to this meme:
1. Post a short blog article that includes a photograph (or a series of photos)showing the face behind your blog. If you already show a photo somewhere on your site(such as in your about page), then make your post more interesting and choose a photo that’s not currently online.
2. Include links to other people that have displayed a photo,or include their photos in your post, adding a reference.
3. Tag as many others as you like in your post to spread the meme.Each person tagged should create their own post and repeat the process.

tHe Baby Penguin!!
Well, cuz Lam Foo Tseng used to call me a penguin when we were younger... Well, can't blame him or any other people who name me a penguin because i do walk like a penguin. Laugh!!
ok, now the real face behind this blog...

can you spot me??
hint: that blurry image.. to your right.. yes, it's a GIRL!!
another "Can you spot me?" pic...
this will be much more easier..

the noob, the pundian and yours sincerely...
sigh... okay, okay... here's the i promise it's going to be the..
iS she RETARDED? for rEAL??
Yes, it's the real her behind this blog
yes, she is a retarded girl. When you're with her, and you are not immune, then she might successfully spread the virus to you. So, stay away from her!! Take HEED!!
okay, here is the retarded girl talking, being so kimberlish-ish of her. She is the queen of the sakai tribe, oh by the way, she self-crowned herself. Self praise by kimberly is a PRAISE. She always laugh for no apparent reason and when she laughs, she will turn into a tomato.She is bad at handling her emotions. She sucked at being early and tidy. She loves to camwhore and her blog is seldom updated ALL THE TIME.
sO.... basically, all my blogger friends are my friends, at least most of them. I'm not some world famous blogger, neither a Malaysia's famous blogger and yea, neither a KL's famous blogger. Starting to write a blog is just maybe a self-fulfillment kind of thing or rather pressured by good old friends around me. Just wanna update it for the sake having a place to spill my emotions. I'm not some perfect lil' innocent girl around. I'm just a lil' girl, next door kind of girl, far from jessica alba, full of flaws and this lil' girl is trying really hard to learn from experiences and be a better person. She's far from a B*TCH!!
Blog Title:
My Little Heart Speaks
"My Little Heart Speaks" speaks for itself. This blog is where I speak out every little detail about how and what i feel about things or situations. It's quite personal but not that personal in a way. It's a very emotional blog but at the same time, it updates readers on the recent outings I have been through. Memories with good friends. This blog is full of pictures and posts. Very few visitors and comments. Not interested to be the next world most famous and influential blogger, this blog is not to seek for attention. It is for myself in a way and for people who wants to know how am i and so on and so forth. Not to attract unintentional readers.
Why "My Little Heart Speaks"?:
Err.. At first, I wanted a very gothic kind of name and design for my blog. I want to give the impression that I'm NOT WHAT YOU THINK I AM. I'm unpredictable. I'm not the innocent bubbly little girl you thought you knew all about. I can be the total opposite of what you had in mind. Later on, I decided that the actual fact i want my readers/ friends to know is that, i'm not just that strong, innocent and joyful girl they know. I can have problems and is tiring to put up a front in front of them so that I will not ruined the atmosphere. The most ironic thing is, I am suppose to be like that. I am not suppose to affect the environment just because I have problems. I'm not the only one with problems. So, i've decided to spill it all out in this blog and what's here remains here. I have to learn to control my emotions when i'm with the others. Thus, this is Where My Little Heart Speaks.
Kimberly Lee
7th December 1987
Fav Color:
Black & Pink
Fav Drink:
Rootbeer, Pepsi, Wine, Cocktails
Fav Fruit:
Fav Dessert / Snacks:
Ice-cream, M&M and OReo!!
Watch drama series, shopping when i have the ca$h, jogging, listening to music, read a novel, play the piano, sing karaoke, blogging, chatting, and yes, sleeping!!
Some of the blogs with photos of me:
Amanda, Anne, Lam, GloCanaan, Joshua, Prakash, Terrence and Marcus.
I would like to tag these bloggers to share more of themselves with me and my friends:
Everyone in my list except for those who have already done this before.
-feeling fat-