Sometimes, I don't know whether it's me or the world is going through a bad year.
Just flip through the papers, many unpleasant events have taken place. To name a few, just last week, Indonesia experienced yet another natural disaster.. more like natural disaster(s) with the tsunami and volcano eruption happening at the same time.. Buses in Malaysia are very accident-proned recently. Many people around the world are getting hurt in various ways, be it war, diseases, disasters, emotions.. it hurts.
Hurt is often an effective bondage within us, effectively made healing an impossible remedy. A lil escalated, hey? As human beings, we build defensive walls around us to hide this fact - our insecurities.
"No, I'm not hurt."
Then, distrust begins. We will begin to lose trust on others, because we've been hurt. Defensive nature.
Friends are no friends. Even, family/loved ones should be a suspect. We will begin to think what gossips they've backstabbed us with. Is he/she cheating on my money? Is he/she genuinely my friend? Is he/she looking down on me? Urgh. It's Game on.
To cut it short, we ... no .. you will end up living in your own little room, surrounded by metal walls. At the end of the day, it's ''you'' you're fighting against.
What I'm trying to say is, this is life and this is what i've learnt or still learning.
We can't stop bad things to happen. The lil twirling wind in Perlis state is worrying me loads but life has to go on. Sitting around thinking of which diirection this wind is heading towards will not stop the wind from coming your way.
Attitude, principles are important.
An attitude that portrays a mature self. How you handle the bad situatiion and most importantly - the desire to take the first step, be it, forgiving others, change, adaptation, flexibility - mindset.
I was really down lately with loads of "bad situations" .. I tend to think that I'm in a point in my life that nobody would ever wanna be in. Everything I complain about often starts with the word "me". I begin to be so defensive. I want to protect myself from bleeding. I slowly became a mean person and at the same time being all negative. Wow, now that im writing this.. i realized the combination of defensive + negative is actually very dangerous.. it actually made me insane for a while. Facing the mean world everyday.. part of growing up into the dog-eat-dog world - whether it's the working world or the personal world.. whoa!
Then again, God is good. Every moment i'm heading towards that downward spiral, God will send different people into my life at the right time to pull me back to surface. I've learnt to let go and accept people for their sincere side. Yes, I might not agree with everything the world says or even this post (if you disagree).. accept people for their sincerity. Yes, that person might have the tendency to gossip about you, but accept the part of the person that is true to you - say.. being there for you, his/her concern for you.. etc.
Emotion wise - Forgive. You might not forget, but do forgive. It's a big word, it requires big leap of faith. I, myself am working towards it. Yes, it was and still is painful but hey, it's not everything. It's not eveything till the point where you forget yourself. Then again, even when you're working towards forgiveness, the other party might not be able to accept this mere fact. Are you sure you're willing to forgive me? Hmm.. healing takes time, we don't know how long, but it'll heal. Sometimes, it'll get worse.. the other party will get annoyed of the act of forgiveness. Or misunderstandings will take place. At the end of the day, as long as there's a desire to forgive, that matters. Your heart matters. Prioritize that first.
Principles. Sigh. Haven't we heard this enough?
"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do upon you."
Simple example: Don't start or participate in any gossip when you don't wanna be gossiped about.
If you're oe who keep the principle in you, sooner or later people will see that in you.
I also believe in "what goes around, comes around." I've known of someone who used to criticise me A LOT about my weight, and after a few years, he balloooned up and took back his words against me.
Another eg: Whatever you've cheated on ppl, will not last forever. The perfect scenario: Ýou'll get cheated back, all those $$ or whatever aspect with regards to this.
Alas, faith is above all. Why worry about getting hurt or getting dragged into those bad situation when you have SOMEONE who will worry all those for you? Our Big God.
Give Him each perplexing problem,
All your needs to Him make known;
Bring to Him your daily burdens—
Never carry them alone!
—Adams (Our Daily Bread)
Essentially, this is the main reason why I have such faith - the only ONE that would love and care for me all the way. All the way. and, never ever change. Perfect love which drives out fear.
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